
The pythia-core framework is contained in a single executable file simply named pythia. The different components of the framework can be launched with subcommands. There are currently four available components in the pythia-core framework. Here is a summary about how to use the main executable:

Usage: ./pythia [global options]
       ./pythia [global options] component [options]

Launches the pythia platform with the components specified in the configuration
file (first form) or a specific pythia component (second form).

Available components:
  server       Front-end component allowing execution of pythia tasks
  execute      Execute a single job (for debugging purposes)
  pool         Back-end component managing a pool of sandboxes
  queue        Central queue back-end component

Global options:
  -conf string
     configuration file (default "config.json")
  -queue string
     queue address (default "")


The execute subcommand launches a new job to execute a task:

Usage: ./pythia [global options] execute [options]

Execute a single job (for debugging purposes)

  -envdir string
     environments directory (default "vm")
  -input string
     path to the input file (mandatory)
  -task string
     path to the task description (mandatory)
  -tasksdir string
     tasks directory (default "tasks")
  -uml string
     path to the UML executable (default "vm/uml")


The queue subcommand launches a queue that receives demands to execute tasks:

Usage: ./pythia [global options] queue [options]

Central queue back-end component

  -capacity int
     queue capacity (default 500)


The pool subcommand launches an execution pool to run jobs in UML virtual machines:

Usage: ./pythia [global options] pool [options]

Back-end component managing a pool of sandboxes

  -capacity int
     max parallel sandboxes (default 1)
  -envdir string
     environments directory (default "vm")
  -tasksdir string
     tasks directory (default "tasks")
  -uml string
     path to the UML executable (default "vm/uml")


The server subcommand launches a frontend server:

Usage: ./pythia [global options] server [options]

Front-end component allowing execution of pythia tasks

  -port int
     server port (default 8080)